Reservations & Costs


At Endless Transformation we give daily truffle ceremonies. And because we do a lot of ceremonies, we try to be as flexible as possible with our schedule. That is why we also ask you to fill in the requested information on the contact page. . The date that you want to attend a truffle ceremony can also be entered here.

The truffle ceremonies can be given in Dutch as well as English.


The price of the truffle ceremony includes:

  • Intake
  • Magic Truffles (type and dose tailored to your personal situation)
  • Guidance during the ceremony
  • Hot vegan meal after the ceremony
  • Post-ceremony discussion (in person, by e-mail of by telephone)

The costs are based on a light, regular or heavy dose. Do you want a heroic dose? That is possible! At the moment this is only given by Jeroen on the basis of 1 on 1 guidance. A different rate is used for this.

Private ceremony (light, normal or heavy dose)€350,- PP
Private ceremony (heroic dose)€425,- PP
Tripsitter service
(see next paragraph for costs and conditions)
Duo truffleceremony or group truffleceremoniesOn request

Tripsitter service

Perhaps you would prefer a ceremony in your own home, in your own energy and in your own safe environment. Or you just want to take a nice trip with a few friends to experience what Magic Truffles do to you. Even then, it is nice to have a person with you who is sober, who is professionally trained as a nurse and who knows how to act when unexpected things happen. For this, Endless Transformation offers the Tripsitter service as given by Jeroen. The above rates apply for this service, plus a travel allowance of 25 cents per kilometre from the ceremony centre in Zwolle. NB! Larger groups may require more than one person as a Tripsitter and the costs will be higher. You can request a price quotation via the contact form .
