The truffle ceremonies can be given at Endless Transformation in both Dutch and English.
Before you can attend a truffle ceremony with us, we ask you to fill in a questionnaire. Based on that, we decide whether it is safe for you to attend a ceremony with us. A truffle ceremony is not suitable for everyone ! After payment, your place will be reserved.
The ceremony begins at 3:00 PM and ends around 9:00 PM. Different personal arrangements can be made regarding the timeframe. The truffle ceremony can be experienced as very intense. In addition, the truffles continue to work for some time. As a result, the outside world can be experienced as very overwhelming. Nevertheless, if you choose to go home after the trip, we strongly advise you to be picked up by a friend or travel by public transport. But do not drive yourself! Would you rather spend the night? Then there are many hotels and B&B's around the ceremony center.

The ceremony
We start the afternoon with a cup of tea, and the ceremony starts around 3.30 PM. You ask your questions and set your intentions for the journey. Next, you take the truffles and comfortably lie down to surrender to the power and magic of Mother Nature. All this takes place in an atmospheric room. The length of your journey varies per person. Usually it takes between 4 and 6 hours. After that time, a healthy vegan meal is prepared for you. After this, the day comes to an end.
“I became one with everything. I had so many insights. Life changing!”